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Jan Flynn

Don’t Miss the Double Launch

Listen up: episodes of two podcasts taking off today

Sometimes good things come in two’s

And sometimes schedules just coincide. Either way, today is the release date of two episodes from two different podcasts I’m involved in. I’m so tickled by them both, that I’m over here, horn-tooting!

Toot 1: new Crow’s Feet podcast episode

I’m way excited about this month’s episode, in which I get to host the witty and always worthwhile Roz Warren — an editor, writer, and author with serious creds who never makes the mistake of taking herself too seriously.

How she reinvented herself in her second act is quite a story, and there’s a story-within-a-story with a unique take on relationships. You can find the Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age podcast anywhere you get your podcasts, or click here for a direct link. New episodes release monthly: subscribe so you don’t miss any.

Toot 2: new Here’s A Thought episode

This is the latest from my very own show, Here’s A Thought — the blogcast for people who overthink. These are short episodes, perfect for running errands or jogging around the block. There are times, after all, when meditating isn’t a great option but you still would like a break from the voices in your head — so spend a few minutes listening to what’s going on in mine!

This week’s episode is “The Economy Needs You To Be Crazy: Here’s How to Help” and if that sounds a wee bit sarcastic, trust me. It is.

Image created via Canva

Find the show wherever you get your podcasts, or click here for a direct link to this episode. New ones release every Wednesday — please do subscribe, and if you can leave a nice review or a star rating on whatever platform you use, you’ll earn a spot in my gratitude journal.

If you like the shows, please tell your peeps! Thanks for indulging my horn-tooting, and happy listening!

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