Whee! My birthday is this week, on July 6. And you thought all the fireworks were about something else, didn’t you?

To celebrate the anniversary of my nativity, I am offering my Kindle ebook, CORPSE POSE: AND OTHER TALES, absolutely FREE from today through July 7!

Who doesn’t love free stuff? That’s 100% off the list price of $2.99! And who couldn’t use a summer beach read that offers a shiver down the spine on a hot day? Two of the included stories have won awards in Writer’s Digest international competitions, just sayin’.
Here’s a quick description of the book:
A yoga teacher’s devotion to her students is tested because she’s a vampire. A stuffed tiger longs to protect the teenage girl who owns him. A substitute teacher reveals unorthodox methods of handling an unruly class. A high school student, desperate to escape the responsibility of caring for an ailing mother, attends a disastrous party. A disembodied spirit hesitates to commit to earthly life. These and other extraordinary protagonists haunt the pages of Jan M. Flynn’s speculative fiction. A blend of horror, humor and heart, the award-winning stories in this collection take readers on a journey into a world illumined by the paranormal. Suitable for ages young adult through cadaver.
If you like Twilight Zone or Stranger Things, the stories in CORPSE POSE are likely to resonate with you. I’m tickled bloody pink to note the reviews so far are all five-star. Here’s one of ’em:
ByAna Manwaringon January 12, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Author Jan Flynn hits the high notes with each of the ten tales in this imaginative and entertaining collection of speculative fiction. I love how the author tells a fantastic story as though it were as commonplace as going to the post office. And in the midst of a wild tale, the reader can believe in the well-drawn characters and feel a range of emotions—laughter foremost.
Each story is tight, genuine, over the top—and delightful to read. I found the writing style clean, well seasoned with modernisms, snarky asides and keen observations. The authorial voice shines through the collection, yet each story sounds unique, beginning with Corpse Pose, a darkly humorous yoga fantasy through Walk-in, and an uplifting look at what we do between human incarnations. The tales range from the hilarious, Imp, to Pills, packed with heart touching magical realism, to the psychological horror of 541. While the collection is touted as horror “illumined by the paranormal,” for me, the “humor and heart” elevate these stories from your run-of-the-mill slasher or vampire tales. If you love dark humor, creepy twists, magical realism and pathos, Corpse Pose: and Other Tales will be your go-to fix. I’ve read it twice. One caution, reading these stories might lead to spontaneous laughter and flights of fancy!
An imaginative and entertaining collection of speculative fiction—Corpse Pose: and Other Tales. Read it tonight.

But the book needs more reviews to be more visible on Amazon, and this is where you come in. Not only do you get a FREE ebook, you also have the chance to impact the reach of these stories. It’s certainly no condition for purchase, but if you would read and then post an honest review on Amazon, you’d make a big difference while earning my undead appreciation.

No Kindle? No problem! You can download the free Kindle App and read on your tablet or laptop. Easy-peasy.
So, don’t wait, act now! Unlike the vampire yoga teacher in the first story, this offer won’t be around forever! Seriously, I hope you’ll enjoy my first short story collection. Consider it a birthday present from me to you.

Click HERE to get your free copy. And please comment and let me know what you think!